
Digital Care Transformation.


Digital Care Transformation

Objective: The Transformation and Automation of Health Organizations' Processes

New ways to certify and validate legal documents have been adopted upon the arrival of electronic management and paper-free offices. Digital certificates and signatures are two solid pillars of the new health sector management worldwide since they are neccesary to carry out a large number of processes and procedures that are related to our personal lives, our lives at work, and the company’s life.

With the foregoing, the preparation of medical certificates is facilitated and automated and quality is guaranteed in the process of digitalization and preparation of these certificates, reinforcing their security measures in order to guarantee their authenticity, integrity and legitimacy. On the other hand, more efficient control and supervision mechanisms are created regarding the preparation of medical certificates, thus avoiding unfair competition and guaranteeing the respective collection for their issuance. This allows standardization based on the rules established by authorized professional associations and associations and creates a mechanism that allows effective compliance with current regulations on the preparation of medical certificates and the correct exercise of the medical profession.

The creation of the registered physician I.D. with a digital certificate and signature (optional) contributes to the digital transformation of the medical community, making a balance between the traditional and the new digital processes possible; it is a safe and trustworthy solution created for physicians, a universal digital identity or access key to health services which additionally permits the use of new services and to be identified worldwide in regards to certification processes. The new applications of the so-called health informatics, such as the digital I.D., the shared clinical history, the digital signature or the living will, present new scenarios to professional associations; they must, therefore, respond to such highly important challenges in order to be able to continue doing their duty as regulators of the registered professionals.
At Arkkosoft, we create experiences thanks to new technologies and service channels such as the web platform and mobile devices that complement a virtual or an on-site visit; the physician delivers a prescription easily and the patient may, through the associated companies, request that the medicine be delivered to her or his home. The physician and the associated companies determine the fees at the platform and in the payment gateway. It is high time for this positive trend to become something real; the patient's public centralized data concerning her or his personal health must be inter- operational and highly protected for it to be easily accessible at any location. Digital transformation is possible only if the existing processes move into the digital era. This will require the assurance of trust, safety, and privacy.

Arkkosoft walks you through the process towards digital transformation


Arkkosoft walks you through the process towards digital transformation

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